YOUR RESIDENCE What type of home do you live in? Please explain:
Some cities, communities, and property managers enforce pet restrictions (breed, species, size, etc). Do any of these restrictions apply to your situation? *
Yes, I give consent for Almost Home personnel to contact my landlord or property manager as part of the adoption process
Please list the first name, last name, and birth date of any additional adults living in the home over the age of 18, including spouse/significant other. If none, please type "None" in the box below.
Have you or anyone in your household been charged with OR convicted of any type or assault? If yes, please explain below. If no, type "No" in the box below.
Have you or anyone in your household been charged with OR convicted of animal abandonment, neglect, or cruelty? If yes, please explain below. If no, type "No" in the box below.
Please list the name and age of each child/minor below.
GENERAL QUESTIONS Please explain the situation:
CURRENT PETS Please list ALL pets you've owned in the last 5 years (including current pets). Information to include: Name, Type of Pet, Breed, Age, Sex, Spayed/Neutered.
ADOPTION INFO What type of pet are you looking for? *
Where will your new pet be kept during the day? At night?
How did you hear about this pet?
I am 18 years old or older.
I have made all people in the house aware of my intentions to adopt an animal.
I will comply with the spay/neuter policies and laws set forth by Almost Home and/or the State of Iowa if my pet is not already altered at the time of adoption.
I give consent for the Almost Home Adoption Team to contact the parties listed as part of the adoption process.
I have read and agree to the above terms and agreements.
Almost Home Humane Society of North Central Iowa has the right to refuse services to any individuals who do not meet our adoption criteria.
Thank you! Your application has been received.
We will be in touch as soon as we have it processed!